A nonprofit human services agency, Auberle strives to make the people it serves as safe and secure as possible. More than 3,250 at-risk children and families in southwestern Pennsylvania rely on Auberle every year for residential care; foster care; emergency shelter; in-home intervention; education; workforce development; and drug, alcohol and mental health programs.
For Auberle: Coverage, safety and security for all
A nonprofit human services agency, Auberle strives to make the people it serves as safe and secure as possible. More than 3,250 at-risk children and families in southwestern Pennsylvania rely on Auberle every year for residential care; foster care; emergency shelter; in-home intervention; education; workforce development; and drug, alcohol and mental health programs.
Since 2010, HM Insurance Group companies have been providing workers' compensation coverage to Auberle. "With our broker, Ryan Casciani at Henderson Brothers, we selected HM Insurance Group as our workers' compensation carrier," said Rodney Prystash, director of facilities management at Auberle.
"HM's team began with a thorough evaluation of our safety, followed by analysis and insight on how we could prevent injuries and increase safety across the board," explained Rodney. "Our HM loss control consultant, Bob Foote, also helped us to create a formal, certified safety committee.
"These guys understand that safety is incredibly important to us," said Rodney. "When our employees are safe, the children and youth in our programs experience a heightened sense of safety and security as well. And our combined efforts have ultimately helped us to save money by keeping workers’ compensation claims down."
In addition, in 2012, HM Insurance Group introduced a philanthropic safety grant program to help nonprofits like Auberle to document safety risks that can then be mitigated through equipment or trainings.
"We have been awarded a safety grant each of the past three years," said Rodney. "The grant money has enabled us to purchase security video monitoring equipment for three of our locationsequipment that we could not have purchased without this funding."
The new video equipment helps staff members to preview who is at the door, identify guests and check on any unusual sounds. Employees at Auberle have found that the video is also useful as a training tool for continual improvement of safe staff interaction with youth in their care.
For HM Insurance Group, getting health care right means partnering with customers to understand their needs, mitigate their risks, lower their claims and offer peace of mind. In the case of Auberle, that has meant safety and security for children and families when they’ve needed it most.