The seven charitable foundations affiliated with Highmark Health have long and proud histories of funding programs that improve the health, well-being, and quality of life for individuals in the communities we are privileged to serve.
The seven foundations are identified below.
- Allegheny Valley Hospital Trust is the philanthropic source of support for Allegheny Valley Hospital, an Allegheny Health Network hospital (www.ahn.org).
- Forbes Health Foundation is the philanthropic source of support for Forbes Hospital and Forbes Hospice, Allegheny Health Network facilities (www.ahn.org).
- Highmark Caring Foundation, funded primarily by Highmark Inc., supports the Highmark Caring Place, A Center for Grieving Children, Adolescents and Their Families (www.highmarkcaringplace.com).
- Highmark Foundation, with support from Highmark Inc., supports programs that promote the health and well-being of the communities served by Highmark Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (www.highmarkfoundation.org).
- The Saint Vincent Hospital Foundation for Health and Human Services is the philanthropic source of support for Saint Vincent Hospital, an Allegheny Health Network hospital (www.ahn.org).
- Suburban Health Foundation is the philanthropic source of support for the Allegheny General Hospital, Suburban Campus,an Allegheny Health Network hospital (www.ahn.org).
- West Penn Hospital Foundation is the philanthropic source of support for West Penn Hospital, an Allegheny Health Network hospital (www.ahn.org).
Some of the many highlights from 2016 include the Highmark Caring Place's ability to help a family find hope after loss; the Highmark Foundation's Building Sustainable and Lasting Changes in Schools grant program, which is helping to educate and raise a healthier generation of children; and the Allegheny Health Network Foundation's support of Health Bucks, a pilot program sponsored jointly by West Penn Hospital and the Bloomfield Development Corporation that develops innovative diabetes maintenance programs.
Read Highmark Health's highlights. Read our Charitable Care & Community Giving Summary.
Highmark Foundation provided nearly $3 million in funding in 2016 to support initiatives that educate and improve the overall well-being of the communities served by Highmark Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
More than 6,000 butterflies were filled with messages of hope for grieving children in honor of Children’s Grief Awareness Day, 2016.
Allegheny Health Network (AHN) sponsored 44 community walks and runs last year, and nearly 200 organizations received sponsorship in 2016 from AHN and its affiliated foundations.