Visionworks' goal is to provide an exceptional total customer experience to every customer, in every store, every day by super-serving.
Visionworks strives to "super-serve"
Visionworks strives to do everything it can to enhance the total customer experience for the many customers it serves. "Our philosophy is simple," explains Jim Eisen, president. "Consistently provide the best selection and quality in the industry, while offering great values that satisfy our customers' visual and lifestyle needs." Hence the company's simply stated tagline: The Most Frames, the Best People and the Right Prices.
In 2014, the company stepped-up its commitment to customer service through "super-serving" — keeping customers front and center in everything the company and its retail outlets do. For example, when it comes to running the sales floor, every associate is trained to be aware of new customers entering the store, as well as being attentive to those who are browsing or require assistance. When the store is busy, teamwork is used to ensure that every customer is greeted and properly assisted. In the company's sales process, associates strive to build rapport with customers, uncover their visual and lifestyle needs and make the best product recommendations. And when the customer returns to pick up his or her prescription lenses or contacts, the super-serve process continues. "We view the finished eyewear presentation as an important continuation of the sale," said Eisen. "We continue to build trust and rapport with our customers, which often leads to repeat business and referrals." And more opportunities to super-serve, one customer at a time.