Innovation serves many customers
Leveraging Highmark Health's unique capabilities as the nation's second-largest integrated care delivery and financing system, VITAL helps gather real-world cost, care, and patient experience data.
Innovative provider collaborations
As competition across service areas continues to increase, Highmark Health Plans have developed an innovative strategy of provider collaborations with like-minded organizations.
Giving autoimmune disease patients all the care they need in one place
By the time Melissa Hood was diagnosed with lupus in 2013, she'd already endured years of extremity pain, severe fatigue, and other symptoms often associated with chronic autoimmune conditions.
Closing the gaps: Designing better member outcomes
HM Health Solutions and its customer, a leading health insurance company in the Philadelphia region, joined forces to identify gaps in care for their members.
Candid conversations help to maintain a successful long-term partnership
At HM Insurance Group, Juli Williams is viewed as a trusted partner in guarding the financial health of self-funded groups.
United Concordia Dental grows its national presence through a partnership with a Wyoming health plan
Meeting United Concordia Dental's goal to grow its national presence and create flexible dental solutions for Blues plans requires close collaboration with customers who share a commitment to helping members lead healthier, more productive lives.
Supporting customers with smart technology as well as fashionable frames
Visionworks patient Alexis benefitted greatly from Optomap imaging.
Forums bring health education to the community
In 2018, the Highmark Foundation partnered with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on three community health forums.
Highmark Health and its subsidiaries and affiliates comprise a national health and wellness organization proudly serving millions of Americans across the country.
Highmark Health and its affiliated businesses and charitable foundations contributed $224 million to building stronger communities of healthier people in 2018.
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Highmark Health is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.